Page ideas

This is where our pages come to be born. Or, perhaps more disturbingly, conceived.

We add ideas to the ​inspiration lists​ below, and expand on them later.



A microstub is where you take a page idea and add notes and expand it a little, until it becomes slightly smaller than a stub on Wikipedia. These could be embedded into a single large incubator article. The original idea for this was Vector sketches and finding some prior art to note for that, e.g. Muro and Kragen Sitaker's aikidraw.

Remember, pearls accumulate around grit.



Some stuff to write:

See also: Music.

Perhaps also a page of ideas about site design, style, etc.

Whoops, I blasted one of my own changes; apparently by having the same page open in two different tabs and not doing a refresh on one of them before editing.

A seed idea can be seen as complete because it has an influence.
