
Octavo is a thin veneer on top of native content-editable controls to allow WYSIWYG editing of HTML documents in the latest WebKit and Gecko based browsers. Documents can be saved to a server using the HTTP PUT method. This page was created using Octavo.

Use Octavo

Download Octavo from @sbp/octavo on Github.

To use, just include build/octavo.combo.min.js in your page header:

<script src="build/octavo.combo.min.js"></script>

You don't need to do anything else. Ctrl+E turns on edit mode, and Ctrl+H brings up a cheat sheet.


Octavo was written in CoffeeScript and requires jQuery and Rangy, which are bundled together, minified, in a single JavaScript file. Octavo is positioned somewhere between native content-editable controls and DOM inspector manipulation. To get started using Octavo, consult the Octavo guide.


In 2006 the author of Octavo created Mimulus with Christopher Schmidt and Cody Woodard. Mimulus was a similar kind of rich web editor, but this worked as a Firefox extension. It was also created in the days before jQuery, CoffeeScript, and other modern conveniences.